Eryap Group works on production of siding systems, heat, water, noise and fire insulation materials and polymer door – window systems in its 3 production facilities exceeding a total of 150.000 m2 area, since 2001.

Eryap Group, which brought the American Siding brand to the sector by making the product of first polymer siding in its first facility in Gaziantep, has begun the production of Bonus | Pan brand XPS Extrude Polystyrene Heat Insulation Panel in 2005, in its second facility based in Silivri, İstanbul. Eryap Group, which expanded its product portfolio for a healthier, more durable and safer living spaces, has also taken its place within water insulation products sector by commencing Bonus | Focus Membrane brand Bitumen Waterproofing Sheets in the last quarter of 2007 in its facility in Silivri, İstanbul. It preserves its leadership in the sector by gaining Bonus | Jacketing Heat Insulation System in the end of 2009, Winer brand Polymer Door and Window Systems in 2010, Bonus | Focus Shingle Roof Covering Material in 2011 and finally Bonus | Wooler brand nature-friendly Stone Wool in 2012 to the sector.

Eryap Group provides services with its extensive distributor network in 81 provinces of Turkey; and exports its products to overseas with the strong partnerships it created in more than 25 countries.

Eryap Group, that develops high quality products in line with the developing market expectations and standards, resolutely works to advance the strategic model that projects the correct use of energy sources, that looks out for the environmental risk factors and that is nature-friendly, within the scope of the product-service-life cycle in all the sectors it operates. Eryap Group which is a constantly developing organization with its approximately about 500 personnel in its three facilities in total, has a Human Resources approach that pays attention to the development of their staff to be able to catch up with the changes in contemporary world. To increase the employment and to contribute to the sustainable development of our country, it sustains its leadership in the sector by closely tracking the technological developments and making new investment, with the mission of producing quality items and services.

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